I have a Collection of Colle Object in a form and I want to access id of each colle.
I tried :
$colles = $data['colles'];
Dump of $colles :
array (size=2)
1 =>
protected 'id' => null
protected 'nom' =>
private 'questions' =>
protected 'id' => int 140
protected 'coefficient' => string '1.00' (length=4)
protected 'coefficient' => int 1
2 =>
protected 'id' => null
protected 'nom' =>
private 'questions' =>
protected 'id' => int 150
protected 'coefficient' => string '1.00' (length=4)
protected 'coefficient' => int 1
For 1st object, I want getId() to get 'id' = 140 and for 2nd, 'id' = 150
This code returns null :
foreach ($colles as $colle) {
$idColle = $colle->getId();
If you look at the dump of $colles, you see that the 'id' of both 1 and 2 are "null", but it is the 'nom' collection (I think that's the collection) that has the Ids you are looking for.
Did you try:
$idColleNom = $colle->getNom()->getId();
I'm not certain of your setters and getters, but it might be something like that.