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Example for creating split-transaction in Perl Finance::QIF

I need to import my bank-exported transactions (CSV) into GNUcash. I am almost finished with the perl script using Finance::QIF

I parse the CSV and write it out like this:

my $record = {
header      => "Type:Bank",
date        => $outdatum,
memo        => $outtext,
transaction => $outbetrag,
$out->header( $record->{header} );

But my problem is creating a split. says " If the transaction contains splits this will be defined and consist of an array of hash references. With each split potentially having the following values." - so I tried this:

my $record = {
header      => "Type:Bank",
date        => $outdatum,
memo        => $outtext,
transaction => $outbetrag,
@splits = (
    category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind1",
    memo => "L",
    amount => "-161,66"
    category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind2",
    memo => "F",
    amount => "-162,66"

This leads to the error:

Unsupported field 'HASH(0x221c9e8)' found in record ignored in file '>_TESTqif.qif' line 22 at line 195.

Unfortunately, I nowhere found an example for creating a split, just for a normal transaction.

Can someone please help how Finance::QIF can be used to create split-transactions?


  • I know nothing about Finance::QIF but your @splits code makes no sense.

    Try this instead:

    my $record = {
        header      => "Type:Bank",
        date        => $outdatum,
        memo        => $outtext,
        transaction => $outbetrag,
        splits      => [
            category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind1",
            memo => "L",
            amount => "-161,66",
            category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind2",
            memo => "F",
            amount => "-162,66",

    See perldoc perlreftut for more information about references and data structures in Perl.