I want to add a markdown editor for users to post their answers into my page. I've found TinyMCE but there is a problem with it: I don't know how to implement markdown editor with TinyMCE.
Is there anybody who has experience with this? Please show me how to setup a markdown editor with it.
It looks like the Text Pattern Plugin can do this:
This plugin matches special patterns in the text and applies formats or executed commands on these patterns.
tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea", // change this value according to your HTML plugins: 'textpattern', textpattern_patterns: [ {start: '*', end: '*', format: 'italic'}, {start: '**', end: '**', format: 'bold'}, {start: '#', format: 'h1'}, {start: '##', format: 'h2'}, {start: '###', format: 'h3'}, {start: '####', format: 'h4'}, {start: '#####', format: 'h5'}, {start: '######', format: 'h6'}, {start: '1. ', cmd: 'InsertOrderedList'}, {start: '* ', cmd: 'InsertUnorderedList'}, {start: '- ', cmd: 'InsertUnorderedList'} ] });
Note that the plugins
key here fixes a typo in the upstream documentation, which uses plugin