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GIDSignIn keychain error iOS 10 Xcode 8

In iOS 10 and xcode 8 when I try to sign in to google services I get "keychain error"

 func sign(_ signIn: GIDSignIn!, didSignInFor user: GIDGoogleUser!, withError error: Error!){
        if error != nil {

Offered and accepted solutions on SO are to run the app direct from simulator and not via Xcode. This I have tried and have had no success hence posting this question here in the hope someone has a more recent solution or experience.


  • The problem you are trying to solve is connected with keychain access. To fix issue you simply should go to Target->Capabilities and enable keychain sharing. Similar case with Facebook SDK is desribed here.

    If you are using Xamarin (read this link for more information, thanks @dynamokaj):

    Just make sure you enable the keychain access in Entitlements and select the entitlements for Simulator (Debug) builds too. By default this is not set.