I have installed Nagios on CentOS 6.8, nagios core + plugins. That means centos68 is now my nagios server. Now If I want to monitor another host say ubuntu, I should only install plugins on that server if I am not wrong ?
Kindly advise if I am wrong.
You should install the Nagios plugins on the Nagios server and install the Nagios NRPE agent on the servers you want to monitor.
cd /tmp
wget https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/agents/linux-nrpe-agent.tar.gz
tar xzf linux-nrpe-agent.tar.gz
cd linux-nrpe-agent
The above will
The script will stop to prompt you once, to ask for the IP address of your Nagios server. After installing the NRPE agent you can use check_nrpe on the Nagios server to run the plugins remotely and return the result.
./check_nrpe -H ubuntu-server -c check_uptime