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Nagios client/plugins installation

I have installed Nagios on CentOS 6.8, nagios core + plugins. That means centos68 is now my nagios server. Now If I want to monitor another host say ubuntu, I should only install plugins on that server if I am not wrong ?

Kindly advise if I am wrong.


  • You should install the Nagios plugins on the Nagios server and install the Nagios NRPE agent on the servers you want to monitor.

    cd /tmp
    tar xzf linux-nrpe-agent.tar.gz
    cd linux-nrpe-agent

    The above will

    • Modifying the distro's package manager repositories
    • Installing prerequisite packages
    • Creating required uses and groups
    • Defining services for xinetd
    • Compiling and installing the agent and plugins
    • Configuring the firewall
    • Configuring the agent

    The script will stop to prompt you once, to ask for the IP address of your Nagios server. After installing the NRPE agent you can use check_nrpe on the Nagios server to run the plugins remotely and return the result.

    ./check_nrpe -H ubuntu-server -c check_uptime