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Previous svn log is not displayed

Firstly, I have migrated my CVS repository into SVN repository. I checked out this whole SVN repository and make some changes like rearranging the directories into branches and tags. The I imported it into the new SVN repository. I am using following command to import ..

svn import svn+ssh://host/address/path to repository -m "new files added" --username xyz

After authenticating xyz, it gets imported.

Now I am checking out that repository into working copy. I used following command

svn co svn+ssh://host/address/path to repository  --username xyz

When I do svn log I get the new files added as log output. All the previous logs are not displayed. I want those logs to be displayed.How can I get those logs?


  • If you want to retain files' history, use svn cp and svn mv in the initial repository instead of importing the files to a new repository.