I have a flash movie that loads images dynamically from an xml file. I want to re-use this .swf file on different pages, however the images on page1 are all 400 x 200 and the images on page2 are all 745 x 422. When i try to reuse this on another page, the loaded images are shrunken (resized) - i would like them to match whats defined in the width/height, but they get scaled depending on how the stage is scaled.
im using a loader (AS3) for the image that places them on a container(sprite)
slideLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlSlideshow..image[intCurrentSlide].@src));
I have tried making the stage various sizes to start, but i would really like it to be irrelavant if possible - ie: 50 x 50. Then in html the width/height would be set to the width/height of the images being loaded.
Im not a flash wizard so please forgive me if im not clear, i'll try to give more insight if needed.
Couple of things... firstly you'll need to specify your app not to scale. (AS3 code)
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
Then once your image is loaded (add a listener to the slideLoader object), execute a javascript function using flash's ExternalInterface class.
ExternalInterface.call('resizeFlashMovie', slideLoader.width, slideLoader.height);
And your javascript function would be something like this:
function resizeFlashMovie(width, height) {
var flash = document.getElementById('yourFlashMovieId');
flash.style.width = width+'px';
flash.style.height = height+'px';