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Google Api Refresh Token Clarification

I get an Access Token & a Refresh Token from an Android App using a Post Request, i have read somewhere that the Refresh Token never expire & then i've seen that there is a Limit of 25 Refresh Token issued,

What is the meaning of this in the Google Developer Doc :

"Note: Save refresh tokens in secure long-term storage and continue to use them >as long as they remain valid. Limits apply to the number of refresh tokens that >are issued per client-user combination, and per user across all clients, and these limits are different. If your application requests enough refresh tokens >to go over one of the limits, older refresh tokens stop working."

  1. Limit apply to Refresh Token > Get Access Token Operation ?
  2. Limit apply to Prompt User > Get Refresh Token Operation ?

That's mean a user could use the Google Api on 25 Device Max. ? & what if the user use the same Account on +25 Devices ?

I Plan to have a Background Service which once started, will automatically get an Access Token using the Refresh Token saved to ensure to have always a valid Token,

Thanks for your Clarification


    1. This is not a problem. If a refresh token is not used for six months, it will become invalid, but using your refresh token to get a new access token can be done indefinitely, in theory.

    2. This is the main problem. If you store the refresh token on the device of your users, and a user has 26 devices for some reason, the refresh token on the first device will become invalid once you get the 26th one.

    In closing, it is good to have some fallback code for when a refresh token stops working for some reason, and re-prompt the user. The user might not use the device for six months, he might revoke the app's access or it might stop working for any other reason.