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Querying on multiple Hive stores using Apache Spark

I have a spark application which will successfully connect to hive and query on hive tables using spark engine.

To build this, I just added hive-site.xml to classpath of the application and spark will read the hive-site.xml to connect to its metastore. This method was suggested in spark's mailing list.

So far so good. Now I want to connect to two hive stores and I don't think adding another hive-site.xml to my classpath will be helpful. I referred quite a few articles and spark mailing lists but could not find anyone doing this.

Can someone suggest how I can achieve this?


Docs referred:


  • I think this is possible by making use of Spark SQL capability of connecting and reading data from remote databases using JDBC.

    After an exhaustive R & D, I was successfully able to connect to two different hive environments using JDBC and load the hive tables as DataFrames into Spark for further processing.

    Environment details




    Code Sample HiveMultiEnvironment.scala

    import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
    import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
    import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
    object HiveMultiEnvironment {
      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        var conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("JDBC").setMaster("local")
        var sc = new SparkContext(conf)
        var sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
        // load hive table (or) sub-query from Environment 1
        val jdbcDF1 = sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map(
          "url" -> "jdbc:hive2://<host1>:10000/<db>",
          "dbtable" -> "<db.tablename or subquery>",
          "driver" -> "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver",
          "user" -> "<username>",
          "password" -> "<password>"))
        jdbcDF1.foreach { println }
        // load hive table (or) sub-query from Environment 2
        val jdbcDF2 = sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map(
          "url" -> "jdbc:hive2://<host2>:10000/<db>",
          "dbtable" -> "<db.tablename> or <subquery>",
          "driver" -> "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver",
          "user" -> "<username>",
          "password" -> "<password>"))
        jdbcDF2.foreach { println }
      // todo: business logic

    Other parameters can also be set during load using SqlContext such as setting partitionColumn. Details found under 'JDBC To Other Databases' section in Spark reference doc:

    Build path from Eclipse:

    enter image description here

    What I Haven't Tried

    Use of HiveContext for Environment 1 and SqlContext for environment 2

    Hope this will be useful.