I have a simple model displaying the email of my user, ang I'm using Google to authenticate.
Here is the code I wrote for authentication:
gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn().then((args) => {
this.user = { email: args.wc.hg }
The console.log is correctly displaying the email but the template is not updated and I still see nothing on the browser: {{user?.email}}
An other point, I just replaced the authentication with a simple promise :
new Promise<string>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('email'), 10000)).then(data => this.user = { email: data });
This is working and my template is displaying email
I cannot see the difference between the resolution of these two promises, but obviously there is one.
Do you have any idea? Thanks in advance.
That's because code it running out of angular2 framework.What you can do is, you can check change detection manually using below code,
import { Component, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';
export class MyComponent {
constructor(private cdr:ChangeDetectorRef) { //<----- injection
someMethod() {
gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn().then((args) => {
this.user = { email: args.wc.hg }
this.cdr.detectChanges(); //<----Note this...