The program runs but I can't figure out why the function within the third
else if statement doesn't return an accurate value. Thank you for the help in
finaltemp = newtemp(t, choice);
printf("\nThe converted temperature is: %f", finaltemp);
double newtemp(double a, double b)
double result;
if (b==1)
result = (a-(273.15));
if (b==2)
result = (a+(273.15));
if (b==3)
result = (((5/9)*(a))-32);
if (b==4)
result = (((9/5)*(a))+32);
if (b==5)
result = (((9/5)*(a))-459.67);
if (b==6)
result = ((a+459.67)*(9/5));
You're performing integer division, not floating point division.
The expression (5/9)
divides two int
values, so the result is an int
, specifically 0. You need to use floating point constants to force floating point division.
if (b==3)
result = (((5.0/9.0)*(a))-32);
if (b==4)
result = (((9.0/5.0)*(a))+32);
if (b==5)
result = (((9.0/5.0)*(a))-459.67);
if (b==6)
result = ((a+459.67)*(9.0/5.0));