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MVC 5 - VS Community 2015 - Routing not working?

It has to be something simple that I'm missing, since this is my first try on MVC. Seems nothing works but the default route.

This were my steps:

  1. Create new solution from an MVC5 template (Which comes with a HomeController and a Controller/Action/Id by default on the RouterConfig.Configuration.
  2. Add --> Controller named Foo --> Create an ActionResult named Details
  3. Add a View named Details
  4. Run the MVC project
  5. Appears the home page, and I change the url from




Result: I get a 404

Is it that the MVC AreaRegistration does not happen automatically on compile time?

I went to the Global.asax and tried placing on Application_Start


But that seemed useless. Any Ideas? Is it that VS community 2015 is missing something? Regards


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace MvcTest.Controllers
    public class FooController : Controller
        // GET: Foo
        public ActionResult Details()
            return View();


@model MyModel


App_start of the Global.asax

namespace MvcTest
    public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication

        protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //This up here is something I added manually after its byDefault scaffolding

@Edit, added FooController and Views/Foo/Details

@@Edit: added missing s to Details. Same error.

@@@Edit: sharing the Global.asax


  • I started by working with an MVC 5 template, downloaded from the browsing templates online option on the Add --> New Project Window.

    That did not load the things @john-h had on his project. It seems that wasn't enough, and I needed to download the MVC nuget package on the project. Or simply create a webApp with the mvc option instead of the template.

    Now its working.

    (But your solution helped me to figure this out @john-h. Thanks!)