I am plotting a price chart using function chartSeries()
in the R package quantmod
. Here's an example:
#Load package 'quantmod'
#Download quotes for VNQ
hist.xts <- getSymbols('VNQ',
from = '2006-1-1',
to = '2006-1-31',
auto.assign = F)
#Plot price chart
chartSeries(hist.xts, type = 'bars')
And here's the price chart:
How can I suppress the text "Last 64.050003" so that it doesn't appear on the chart?
You have to insert the parameter TA = NULL
as indincated in the documentation and in this example: http://www.quantmod.com/examples/charting/#chartseries
chartSeries(hist.xts, type = 'bars', TA = NULL)