resolve(K, K, _) :- writeln('finished'). %goal state
resolve(CurrentState, GoalState, Path) :-
suc(_, CurrentState, NextState, GoalState),
append(Path, [CurrentState], NextPath),
resolve(NextState, GoalState, NewPath).
I currently have this algorithm, and it works as it should. I am running it like this:
resolve(0, 10, Path).
I know for sure that the algorithm is running as it should, it gets to the goal state, although Path
's value is
Path = []
which is not what should happen. Path should contain the sequence of "states" in which my algorithm has passed. What might be the problem?
It's easiest to use DCG notation to describe the list:
path(State0, Target) -->
( { State0 == Target } -> []
; { suc(_, State0, State1, Target) },
path(State1, Target)
You can also do it manually:
path(State0, Target, Path) :-
( State0 == Target -> Path = []
; suc(_, State0, State1, Target),
Path = [State1|Rest],
path(State1, Target, Rest)
There is no need for accumulators here to get linear time.