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How do I do big integers in Fortran?

I need to generate some big integers. See example below.

Input   Result    
 40 165580141    
 80 37889062373143906    
120 8670007398507948658051921    
160 1983924214061919432247806074196061    
200 453973694165307953197296969697410619233826

Here is my Fortran code:

program cycle
    use iso_fortran_env
  implicit none
  character(200) :: str
  integer :: n
    integer(kind=int64) :: x1, result, x2, x3

    do n = 40, 500, 40
        x1 = n
        result = 1
        x2 = 0
        x3 = 1
            if (x1 > 1) then
                x2 = result
                result = result + x3 
                x3 = x2     
                x1 = x1 - 1
            end if
        end do
        write(str,'(i64)')  result
        print *, n, adjustl(str)
    end do
end program cycle

Here is the sample output:

 40 165580141 
 80 37889062373143906 
120 790376311979428689  
160 9217463444206948445 
200 3721511182311577122 

As you can see, it gets the first two numbers right but the rest are beyond the reach of 64 bit integers. I've looked at other questions (1) but I'm really interested in a simple way, preferably built into the language itself. In Ruby and Go I have little trouble. Am I overlooking something obvious in Fortran? Is there a better option I can use in my code?


  • There is no built-in "big number" support, but we can first check whether there is a larger integer kind available (as mentioned by Francescalus above and also many previous pages (e.g. this page). On my computer with gfortran-6.1, the compiler seems to support 128-bit integer kind, so I could calculate the result up to n=160 or so.

    program cycle
    integer, parameter :: verylong = selected_int_kind(32)
    integer(verylong) :: x1, result, x2, x3
    print *, "int32 = ", int32   !! from iso_fortran_env
    print *, "int64 = ", int64
    print *
    print *, "kind..(16) => ", selected_int_kind(16)  !! 8
    print *, "kind..(32) => ", selected_int_kind(32)  !! 16
    print *, "kind..(40) => ", selected_int_kind(40)  !! -1 (not available)
    print *, "kind..(64) => ", selected_int_kind(64)  !! -1 (not available)
    print *
    print *, "sizeof(x1)       = ", sizeof(x1), "(bytes)"       !! GNU extension
    print *, "storage_size(x1) = ", storage_size(x1), "(bits)"  !! F2008
    print *, "huge(x1)         = ", huge(x1)                    !! largest integer


     int32 =            4
     int64 =            8
     kind..(16) =>            8
     kind..(32) =>           16
     kind..(40) =>           -1
     kind..(64) =>           -1
     sizeof(x1)       =                    16 (bytes)
     storage_size(x1) =          128 (bits)
     huge(x1)         =  170141183460469231731687303715884105727
     n=          40 res= 165580141
     n=          80 res= 37889062373143906
     n=         120 res= 8670007398507948658051921
     n=         160 res= 1983924214061919432247806074196061
     n=         200 res= 37016692776042937155243383431825151522
     n=         240 res= -159769225356713774587328406036589956191

    While there is no built-in "BigInt" type, it is rather straightforward to use an external library (for example, fmlib linked from this page). Since various operators and assignment are overloaded, almost no modifications are necessary to your codes.


    1) Download the file and extract FM.95, FMZM90.f95, and FMSAVE.f95

    2) Make a library file as

    gfortran -c -O2 FMSAVE.f95 FMZM90.f95 FM.f95
    ar rv fmlib.a FM*.o

    3) Modify your code as follows (the modified parts are marked with arrows).

    program cycle
        use FMZM           !<----- a module for handling big numbers
        implicit none
        character(200) :: str
        integer :: n
        type(IM) :: x1, result, x2, x3     !<----- IM = BigInt, FM = BigFloat
        do n = 40, 500, 40
            x1 = n
            result = 1
            x2 = 0
            x3 = 1
                if (x1 > 1) then
                    x2 = result
                    result = result + x3 
                    x3 = x2     
                    x1 = x1 - 1
                end if
            end do
            str = IM_format( 'i200', result )   !<----- convert BigInt to string
            print *, n, trim( adjustl(str) )    !<----- print huge integers
        end do
    end program cycle

    4) Compile (assuming that "test.f90" is the above code):

    gfortran test.f90 fmlib.a

    5) Results

       n result
      40 165580141
      80 37889062373143906
     120 8670007398507948658051921
     160 1983924214061919432247806074196061
     200 453973694165307953197296969697410619233826
     240 103881042195729914708510518382775401680142036775841
     280 23770696554372451866815101694984845480039225387896643963981
     320 5439356428629292972296177350244602806380313370817060034433662955746
     360 1244666864935793005828156005589143096022236302705537193166716344690085611761
     400 284812298108489611757988937681460995615380088782304890986477195645969271404032323901
     440 65172495098135102433647404982700073500075401759827878315356483347951218369680224170989749666
     480 14913169640232740127827512057302148063648650711209401966150219926546779697987984279570098768737999681

    We can verify the result by noting that result for n is actually equal to fibonacci(n+1), so for example we have fibonacci(481) for n = 480.