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ImageButton and Preferences

How can I create an ImageButton (musicButton) that control setting music on or off ?

I have GamePrefs class that has these 2 methods

public static void setBoolean(String name, boolean val) {
    prefs.setBoolean(name, val);

public static boolean getBoolean(String name) {
    return prefs.getBoolean(name);

I have two images for the musicButton

Texture t1 = new Texture("music");
Texture t2 = new Texture("music_off");
TextureRegion tr1 = new TextureRegion(t1);
TextureRegion tr2 = new TextureRegion(t2);

I know I need to make an ImageButtonStyle but I have many fields imageUp, imageDown, checked, checkedOver... I don't know which two I should use

and I need it to respond to touch and changing current music setting to on or off

something like this :

GamePrefs.setBoolean("music", false) or GamePrefs.setBoolean("music", true)

and I will use getBoolean() to play music or not

Any help ?


  • For creating such kind of buttons I used ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle with up and checked attributes:

    public Button getMusicButton() {
        final Button button = new ImageButton(getMusicButtonStyle());
        button.addListener(new ClickListener(){
            public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
        return button;
    private ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle getMusicButtonStyle() {
        ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle style = new ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle();
        style.up = musicOffDrawable;
        style.checked = musicOnDrawable;
        return style;

    For music and sounds I have MusicHandler class with this method:

    public void toggleMusic() {
        if (!Prefs.isMusicOn()) {
        } else {

    And finally in Prefs class there are:

    public static boolean isMusicOn() {
        return pref.getBoolean(MUSIC_ON);
    public static void toggleMusic() {
        pref.putBoolean("music_on", !isMusicOn());