Well to keep things short what I want to achieve is a plot like the right one:
I would like to obtain a standard KDE plot with its individual kernels plotted over the observations.
The best solution would be the one that considers all the different kernel functions (e.g. rectangular, triangular etc).
Well after reading this Answer I managed to come up with an solution.
# Create some input data
x<-c(19, 20, 10, 17, 16, 13, 16, 10, 7, 18)
# Calculate the KDE
# Calcualte the singel kernels/pdf's making up the KDE of all observations
A.kernel<-sapply(x, function(i) {density(i,kernel="gaussian",bw=kde$bw)},simplify=F)
sapply(1:length(A.kernel), function(i){A.kernel[[i]][['y']]<<-(A.kernel[[i]][['y']])/length(x)},simplify=F)
# Plot everything together ensuring the right scale (the area of the single kernels is corrected)
sapply(A.kernel, function(i){