Ok, sorry about first question which was a bad question. Second try. I created a web server (or a responder?) using C# and System.Net libraries. Here is server public variables:
#region "Variables"
private TcpListener _TcpListener;
private Thread _ListenThread;
private string _ServerDataPath = "";
private string _Log = "[XMS LOG] Date : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("r") + "\r\n";
public List<string> Defaults;
public Dictionary<string, string> Mimes;
private int _SendBufferSize = 2048;
private int _ReceiveBufferSize = 2048;
#region "Properties"
public int SendBufferSize
get { return _SendBufferSize; }
if (value <= 0)
_SendBufferSize = value;
public int ReceiveBufferSize
get { return _ReceiveBufferSize; }
if (value <= 0)
_ReceiveBufferSize = value;
public TcpListener Listener
get { return _TcpListener; }
public Thread ListenThread
get { return _ListenThread; }
public String Path
get { return _ServerDataPath; }
Here is code from my listen method:
private void Listen()
Socket cur = null;
// Infinite loop
// Accept incoming socket
cur = _TcpListener.AcceptSocket();
// Limit socket buffers
cur.SendBufferSize = SendBufferSize; cur.ReceiveBufferSize = ReceiveBufferSize;
// Get request
byte[] Request = new byte[ReceiveBufferSize];
int RequestSize = cur.Receive(Request);
string RequestStr = Encoding.Default.GetString(Request);
// Clients send empty requests filled with nulls
// To prevent lag if request is empty then directly close stream
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RequestStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestStr))
// Process request
Process(cur, RequestStr);
catch (Exception ex)
SendError(cur, "TCPClient Listening Error", "500", "Runtime Exception", ex);
This method is running on a thread. Here is my Process method that processes http requests:
private void Process(Socket skt, string Request)
// Split all the request from line terminators
string[] RequestSplit = Request.Split(new string[] { "\r", "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Get Request at top of this split array
string GetRequest = RequestSplit[0];
// Trim
GetRequest = GetRequest.Trim();
// Is it a get request?
if (!GetRequest.StartsWith("GET"))
// Send error and return
SendError(skt, "Bad Request : " + GetRequest, "400", "Bad Request");
// Split Get Request
string[] GetRequestSplit = GetRequest.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Is Request Legal?
// Classical GET requests generally has 3 parts:
// GET {FileName} HTTP/1.1
// If we get length smaller than 3 then send error
if (GetRequestSplit.Length < 3)
SendError(skt, "Bad Request : " + GetRequest, "400", "Bad Request");
// As usual middle one is file
string File = GetRequestSplit[1];
// We patch server path directory to this file string
File = _ServerDataPath + File;
// Control if it is a directory
// If it is a directory then control default files
bool IsIndex = false;
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(File))
// This must be an index file
IsIndex = true;
// Not index file? No problem
// I just control that if there
// Is a file called like that
if (!IsIndex)
// Oops accidents happen.
// Cannot find the file that you requested.
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(File))
SendError(skt, "Cannot find selected file", "404", "Not Found");
// Ok we a legal file
// Go out and send it!
// But if file is an index?
// Simple, loop over every default file
// No defaults defined by user?
// Sorry, we do not serve index files.
if (Defaults.Count == 0)
SendError(skt, "Default files are not allowed", "404", "Not Found");
for (int i = 0; i < Defaults.Count; i++)
if (System.IO.File.Exists(File + "\\" + Defaults[i]))
// Get the index file. Patch it.
File += "\\" + Defaults[i];
goto send;
// Does not contain any default?
// Send error again.
SendError(skt, "Cannot find default file in requested directory", "404", "Not Fount");
// Here we are, sending data...
// Byte buffer for sending
byte[] Buffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(File);
// Mime?
string Mime = GetMime(File);
// Directly send while it is hot already!
SendMessage(skt, Buffer, true, "200", "OK", Mime);
catch (Exception ex)
SendError(skt, "Unknown exception", "500", "Internal Exception");
and my send message method:
public void SendMessage(Socket skt, byte[] message, bool includeHeader = false, string statusCode = "200", string statusMessage = "OK", string mime = "text/plain")
if (skt == null) { return; }
string header = "";
if (includeHeader)
header = "HTTP/1.1 " + statusCode + " " + statusMessage + "\r\n";
header += "Server: XMServer Module\r\n";
header += "Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("r") + "\r\n";
header += "Content-Type: " + mime + "; charset=utf-8\r\n";
header += "Connection: Closed";
header += "\r\n\r\n";
List<byte> buffer = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(header).ToList();
I think there is no problem in SendError, GetMime or StrIsFile methods so I don't put them here. This is a class named XMServer. Here is my start code:
XMServer server = new XMServer(8080, "..\\web\\", 4096, 1024);
server.Mimes = MIMES;
server.Defaults = DEFAULTS;
Problem is, server directory is defined as ..\web\ I put an index.html file there and type in browser and server sends index.html page. This is good and what I am trying to implement. I created a folder called "docs" in "web" folder and put an "images" folder in "docs" folder. And put a index.html file in "docs" folder. index.html content:
<title> Documentation </title>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<!-- This is where error pops out -->
<img src="images/logo.png"/>
Server sends index.html file correctly. But page sends a request to server like "GET /images/logo.png HTTP/1.1" (Just an example. I am not sure request is perfectly equal to this one). Server tries to send "..\web\images\logo.png", not "..\web\docs\images\logo.png" and log an error to file (I created a method to do this). Same thing happens when we try to give link to another html file in sub idrectories of web folder. How can I beat this? And I am sure my code is inefficient please show me my mistakes. any help will be appreciated.
Nailed it. I used HttpListener instead of TCPListener. Currently server is working well and can preprocess PHP files as well.