In Django shell:
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
c = SimpleTestCase()
haystack = '<html><b>contribution</b></html>'
c.assertInHTML('<b>contribution</b>', haystack)
c.assertInHTML('contribution', haystack)
I don't understand why the first assertion passes, but the second one doesn't:
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-20da22474686> in <module>()
6 c.assertInHTML('<b>contribution</b>', haystack)
----> 7 c.assertInHTML('contribution', haystack)
c:\...\lib\site-packages\django\test\ in assertInHTML(self, needle, haystack, count, msg_prefix)
680 else:
681 self.assertTrue(real_count != 0,
--> 682 msg_prefix + "Couldn't find '%s' in response" % needle)
684 def assertJSONEqual(self, raw, expected_data, msg=None):
C:\...\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\unittest\ in assertTrue(self, expr, msg)
675 if not expr:
676 msg = self._formatMessage(msg, "%s is not true" % safe_repr(expr))
--> 677 raise self.failureException(msg)
679 def _formatMessage(self, msg, standardMsg):
AssertionError: False is not true : Couldn't find 'contribution' in response
The Django docs just say "The passed-in arguments must be valid HTML." I don't think that is the problem, because the call to assert_and_parse_html
on the first line doesn't raise:
def assertInHTML(self, needle, haystack, count=None, msg_prefix=''):
needle = assert_and_parse_html(self, needle, None,
'First argument is not valid HTML:')
haystack = assert_and_parse_html(self, haystack, None,
'Second argument is not valid HTML:')
real_count = haystack.count(needle)
if count is not None:
self.assertEqual(real_count, count,
msg_prefix + "Found %d instances of '%s' in response"
" (expected %d)" % (real_count, needle, count))
self.assertTrue(real_count != 0,
msg_prefix + "Couldn't find '%s' in response" % needle)
I'm using Python 3.5.1 and Django 1.8.8.
This is a bug in Django:
assertInHTML(needle, haystack)
has the following behaviour
assertInHTML('<p>a</p>', '<div><p>a</p><p>b</p></div>')
passes: clearly correct
assertInHTML('<p>a</p><p>b</p>', '<p>a</p><p>b</p>')
passes: possibly correct
assertInHTML('<p>a</p><p>b</p>', '<div><p>a</p><p>b</p></div>')
fails with an assertion error.
The problem occurs when the needle does not have a unique root element that wraps everything else.
The proposed fix (which has been languishing for some time!) is to raise an exception if you try to do this - i.e., the needle must have a HTML tag that wraps everything inside it.