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Error connecting to Sql Azure: TCP Provider: No such host is known

I am trying to connect to SQL Azure using OLEdb. When i do, i get the error:

  • Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0
  • Description: TCP Provider: No such host is known.
  • SQLState: 08001
  • NativeError: 11001

I can connect using:

  • SQL Server Management Studio, and
  • Red-Gate SQL Compare

so it's not like there's a firewall, server, or credential problem.

But i cannot connect myself from a native application using the OLEdb provider.

First i try a completely wrong username, and no password

Provider=SQLNCLI10;Data,1433;Initial Catalog=Scratch;User ID=adlfk24lksdfj@hyperion;

Gives the (expeccted) error:

Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0
Description: Login failed for user 'adlfk24lksdfj'.
SQLState: 28000
NativeError: 18456

Then i give it a valid username, but no password:

Provider=SQLNCLI10;Data,1433;Initial Catalog=Scratch;User ID=iboyd@hyperion;

That returns the (expected) error:

Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0
Description: Login failed for user 'iboyd'.
SQLState: 28000
NativeError: 18456

Then i give an invalid password:

Provider=SQLNCLI10;Data,1433;Initial Catalog=Scratch;User ID=iboyd@hyperion;Password=trubadour;

That returns the expected error:

Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0
Description: Login failed for user 'iboyd'.
SQLState: 28000
NativeError: 18456

And then the valid connection string

Then i give it the correct1 username and password:

Provider=SQLNCLI10;Data,1433;Initial Catalog=Scratch;User ID=iboyd@hyperion;Password=correcthorsebatterystaple;

And i get the unexpected, nonsensical error, after a 15 second pause:

Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0
Description: TCP Provider: No such host is known.
SQLState: 08001
NativeError: 11001

1 Of course those are not my actual credentials. But is there any free test SQL Azure database out there i can test connecting to?

Bonus Reading


  • The answer is as horrifying as it is terrible.

    I was using: