I've confirmed over 100 valid AMP pages in my site with Google webmaster tools. How do I actually view these pages inside google mobile search results? Googling these pages on my phone only returns the canonical version of these amp pages. Does Google only return a curated set of valid amp pages?
AMP team member here –
I'm pretty sure you are referring to the Top Stories carousel – in which case I have bad news for you. There's no way to guarantee you'll appear in the carousel if you build a valid AMP page. The carousel is a specific product focussed on the latest top news, and simply doesn't surface all sorts of AMP pages.
However, have a look at our latest Dev Preview where you can try out the next iteration of AMP in Google, showing AMP pages directly in the organic search results. If your pages validate, they should show up with the AMP badge after searching for them, like so: