Viewing the go-plus ontology in a freshly installed, stock Protégé 5, I found a useful inference in the entities tab for
'cardiac right ventricle morphogenesis' 'results in morphogenesis of' some 'cardiac ventricle'
'results in morphogenesis of' in this case is and 'cardiac ventricle' is
If I load the same ontology into Virtuoso Open Source 07.20.3217 and describe, no relationship with 'cardiac ventricle' is listed. (Even after enabling OWL inference.)
However, is linked to an anonymous node with
rdf:type owl:Restriction
owl:onProperty n3:RO_0002298
owl:someValuesFrom n3:UBERON_0002080
Where n3
Is there a Virtuoso configuration that would make this relationship clear in a describe
Is there some concise SPARQL syntax that would make the relationship clear? Currently, I'm using
select distinct ?goid (str(?goterm) as ?go_str)
?svf (str(?anatomy ) as ?anat_str)
?goid obo:hasOBONamespace 'biological_process'^^xsd:string .
?goid rdfs:label ?goterm .
?goid rdfs:subClassOf+ ?parent .
?parent owl:someValuesFrom* ?svf .
?svf rdfs:subClassOf+
<> .
?svf rdfs:label ?anatomy
There are many things in play here.
You can use Property Paths for transitivity, as described in comment by @ASKW.
If you want to leverage Virtuoso's built-in reasoning for relationship types described by RDF Schema (rdfs:subClassOf
, rdfs:subPropertyOf
, rdfs:subClassOf
) or OWL (owl:equivalentProperty
, owl:equivalentClass
, owl:SymmetricProperty
, owl:inverseOf
, etc.), then you can leverage the inference rules pragma as described in @MarkMiller's comments (note reference to a blog post about that usage pattern).
If you want to write custom inference rules (i.e., use SPARQL as your Inference Rules language), then you will need Virtuoso 8.0 (coming soon) which delivers that capability. Note, this is the ultimate solution, as you can write your own algorithms using SPARQL.