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Migrating Bugzilla to non fresh JIRA duplicate key

I have a JIRA environment which already has some information and i'm trying to merge all the bugzilla bugs into JIRA. I'm trying to use the importer form JIRA "‎" But it's failing when it tries to insert into the OS_CURRENTSTEP table because of a unique Key violation, essentially the ID already exists in JIRA in that table.

So it crashes at final GenericValue issue = createIssue(resultSet, getProductName(resultSet, true), componentName);

Error importing data from Bugzilla: com.atlassian.jira.exception.CreateException: Could not create new current step for #259350: root cause: while inserting: [GenericEntity:OSCurrentStep][id,357430][startDate,2010-07-23 05:32:14.414][status,Open][owner,][finishDate,null][actionId,0][stepId,1][dueDate,null][entryId,259350] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO OS_CURRENTSTEP (ID, ENTRY_ID, STEP_ID, ACTION_ID, OWNER, START_DATE, DUE_DATE, FINISH_DATE, STATUS, CALLER) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (Duplicate entry '357430' for key 1))

What is the best way of fixing this? Bugzilla Database Schema: Jira Database Schema:

  `ID` decimal(18,0) NOT NULL,
  `ENTRY_ID` decimal(18,0) default NULL,
  `STEP_ID` decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  `ACTION_ID` decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  `OWNER` varchar(60) default NULL,
  `START_DATE` datetime default NULL,
  `DUE_DATE` datetime default NULL,
  `FINISH_DATE` datetime default NULL,
  `STATUS` varchar(60) default NULL,
  `CALLER` varchar(60) default NULL,
  KEY `wf_entryid` (`ENTRY_ID`)


    1. The problem could be a duplicate sequence value. Check the SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM table, look for a row such as "OSCurrentStep" (if this is not the name, the mapping of tables to entity names is in WEB-INF/classes/entitydefs/entitymodel.xml)

      select * from SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM where SEQ_NAME='OSCurrentStep'

      • Check what is the maximal used value: select MAX(ID) from OS_CURRENTSTEP

      • Set SEQ_ID bigger than the maximal used value, rounding up to a multiple of 10. (Described in # SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM)

      • The failed duplicate key '357430' is a multiple of 10, which suggests this is the reason

    2. An easier but less likely solution: are you trying to import the same issue a second time?

      If so, then "click the 'Import only new issues' checkbox in the importer" as described here:

      • (You will notice that the failed statement is inside this condition: if (!onlyNewIssues || !previouslyImportedKeys.containsKey...)