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How can I share Array from one Controller to another

I'm new to scala. What am I doing is trying to make twitter bot that collects posts from Reddit and post them to Twitter. I have to Controllers and I need to pass an array with marked reddit posts, that user want to tweet, From one controller to another. I've tried to use Singleton and Cache but, i don't know why, it's not working for me


var pickedToTwitter : List[RedditJsonData] = _
  def pickedRedditsPost = Action { implicit  request =>

      formWithError => {
        formWithError.errors.foreach(er => Logger.debug(er.message))
      goodOne => {
        sessionCache.set("1",pickedToTwitter = redditsJson.filter(el => goodOne.redditsList(redditsJson.indexOf(el)).checked))



  val tweet : Option[List[RedditJsonData]] = sessionCache.get[List[RedditJsonData]]("1")

    def send = Action.async { request =>
      //for(i <- 0 to tweet.toList.length)  {
      val data = Map(
        "status" -> "asf"

      var rt: RequestToken = new RequestToken(request.session.get("token").get, request.session.get("secret").get)

      ws.url("" + tweet.get(0).url).sign(OAuthCalculator(KEY, rt)).post("ignored").map(response => {


  • In my example you see a Singleton and a Cache. You need to be careful with the imports if they are slightly wrong everything crashes. I didn't get the CacheAPI to work the error needs more attention as it seems.

    The singleton:

    package controllers.singletons
    import javax.inject.Singleton
    class Test() {
      val message:String = "Test"

    Controller Application:

    package controllers
    import javax.inject.Inject
    import controllers.singletons.Test
    import play.api.Play.current
    import play.api.cache._
    import play.api.mvc._
    class Application @Inject()(test:Test)extends Controller {
      def index = Action {
        Cache.set("a", "this is a test")

    Controller CacheTest:

    package controllers
    import play.api.cache.Cache
    import play.api.Play.current
    import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller}
    class CacheTest  extends Controller{
      def cache = Action {
        Ok(views.html.cacheWorks(Cache.get("a").getOrElse("Not Working").asInstanceOf[String]))

    I have two routes

    GET     /                           controllers.Application.index
    GET     /cache                      controllers.CacheTest.cache

    And there are two HTML pages which are getting the cache and singleton content and display it. I think that is what you can see from the code, which is pretty straight forward.