I am trying to write a parser for a language very similar to Milner's CCS. Basically what I am parsing so far are expressions of the following sort:
An expression must start with a letter (excluding t) and could have any number of letters following the first letter (separated by a '.'). The Expression must terminate with a digit (for simplicity I chose digits between 0 and 2 for now). I want to use Parser Combinators for Scala, however this is the first time that I am working with them. This is what I have so far:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class SimpleParser extends RegexParsers {
def alpha: Parser[String] = """[^t]{1}""".r ^^ { _.toString }
def digit: Parser[Int] = """[0-2]{1}""".r ^^ { _.toInt }
def expr: Parser[Any] = alpha ~ "." ~ digit ^^ {
case al ~ "." ~ di => List(al, di)
def simpleExpression: Parser[Any] = alpha ~ "." ~ rep(alpha ~ ".") ~ digit //^^ { }
As you can see in def expr :Parser[Any]
I am trying to return the result as a list, since Lists in Scala are very easy to work with (in my opinion). Is this the correct way how to convert a Parser[Any] result to a List? Can anyone give me any tips on how I can do this for def simpleExpression:Parser[Any]
The main reason why I want to use Lists is because after parsing and Expression I want to be able to consume it. For example, given the expression a.b.1, if I am given an 'a', I would like to consume the expression to end up with a new expression: b.1 (i.e. a.b.1 ->(a)-> b.1). The idea behind this is to simulate finite state automatas. Any tips on how I may improve my implementation are appreciated.
To keeps things type safe, I recommend a parser that produces a tuple of a list of strings and an int. That is, the input a.b.a.1
would get parsed as (List("a", "b", "a"), 1)
. Note also that the regex for alpha was modified to exclude anything that is not a lowercase letter (in addition to t).
class SimpleParser extends RegexParsers {
def alpha: Parser[String] = """[a-su-z]{1}""".r ^^ { _.toString }
def digit: Parser[Int] = """[0-2]{1}""".r ^^ { _.toInt }
def repAlpha: Parser[List[String]] = rep1sep(alpha, ".")
def expr: Parser[(List[String], Int)] = repAlpha ~ "." ~ digit ^^ {
case alphas ~ _ ~ num =>
(alphas, num)
With an instance of this SimpleParser
, here's the output I got:
println(parser.parse(parser.expr, "a.b.a.1"))
// [1.8] parsed: (List(a, b, a),1)
println(parser.parse(parser.expr, "a.0"))
// [1.4] parsed: (List(a),0)