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How to play video file on login page(background) in android app?

Look here I want to make the same as vine app has. I tried to implement it by looking some answers at But I could not. What about a size of video and quality? A size of app will increased? If I will use file that inserted in raw folder?


  • One of my apps contain a video as background. Placed in res/raw/ with 4,9 MB, 750x1334 Pixel, 20 seconds and H.264, AAC codec.

    This of course increases the app size - even if you got minifyEnabled true / shrinkResources true for building the apk.

    Example code (onCreate):

    VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
    Uri uri = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.background_video);

    Don't forget to call videoView.pause/start at onPause/onResume