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Change Td Class Value with JS Script

Here my problem using this script to retreive value

function GetTagValues()
    // Send the request
    jQuery.ajax ( { url:"/usr/private/tags.json.shtm", dataType:"json", success:TagValuesReceived, error:TagValuesError, timeout:10000 });
function TagValuesReceived(json)
    // Update value in webpage
    document.getElementById("Tank1").innerHTML = json.Tank1;
    //document.getElementById("Pump1Status").innerHTML = json.Pump1Status;
    //document.getElementById("Pump1Default").innerHTML = json.Pump1Default;
    setTimeout("GetTagValues()", 1000);

function TagValuesError()


I would like to put the value in the td class value (replace NO VALUE by my new value)

        <span class="model">(FL-01011 15°C)</span> :
    <td class="total" id="Tank1">
        <input type="text" size="6" value="NO VALUE" />
    <td class="unite">lpm</td>
    <td class="today"></td>

Right now i'm able to get the value to display, but with innerHTML it's change the way that the value is shown (normally in a box (second value) as the following image)

Box vs innerHTML


  • I suggest that you move the id="tank" to the input control and use .value instead of .innerHTML.

    Here's a JSFiddle for demonstration:

    Note: I changed a few things including the capitalization of functions and ids to follow standard JS coding styles so no one gets confused here. (capitalized function names identify "constructor" functions, for example)