This is more of an annoyance than anything. Has anyone else run across this?
For debugging purposes, I'm spitting out the count of the _fetchedResults
. Xcode gives me an unsigned int
warning when I use %u
, and then offers to change it to %lu
OK Xcode, sure, go right ahead.
Then it immediately barks at me again with an unsigned long
warning and offers to change it back %lu
to a %u
. And the cycle repeats. Of course, I can just delete the NSLog
, but I'm using it during testing. And frankly it's more annoying than anything else.
Anyone else run across this before? Not sure how much it matters, but I'm on Xcode 7.3 with a deployment target of 9.0.x.
Check out this SO thread: Compile NSLog with unsigned int and unsigned long
It says-
NSLog(@"Array has %ld elements.",(unsigned long)[array count]);
And also says-
The best way is
NSLog(@"%lu", (unsigned long)array.count);
for NSUInteger,
andNSLog(@"%ld", (long)button.tag);
for NSInteger: no warnings in either 32 bit or 64 bit.