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Compatibility between realm iOS and realm Xamarin iOS && realm Java and realm Xamarin Android

In my company we have 2 native iOS/Android libraries using Core Data and ORMLite. We would like to replace these ORMs by realm, but we have few questions about compatibilities between the different realm libraries.

  • Is Realm Objective-C compatible with Realm Xamarin iOS (realm dotnet?) ?
  • Is Realm Objective-C compatible with Realm Swift ?
  • Is Realm Java compatible with Realm Xamarin Android (realm dotnet?) ?

By compatible I mean, can I make a Xamarin app using realm dotnet to write some data in realm, and then query that data from a native obj-c/swift library using realm (that library being referenced by the xamarin app).


  • All the Realm bindings use the same underlying database technology under the hood, so yes that is possible, and it is also one of our primary design goals.

    The API's might differ slightly across languages, but you should definitely be able to access the data.

    The only requirement is just that the model classes have to match across the languages, since those are what defines the schema.