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How can I use properties exactly as they are provided by the io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin?

Maven properties filled in by io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin seem not to be interpolated when used as is.

The docker-maven-plugin fills in some maven properties ( and some.port) which I try to resolve.


They are used like this:


which leads to two empty values. They contain nothing while they should contain e.g. and 5555.

If I add some characters, suddenly the values are interpolated correctly (but of course the values are useless then)


which leads to and 5555+123

Some things I tried don't work either:


which leads to an empty value and 5555null


  • Roland Huß noted that the problem could be avoided by using dockers fixed ports. And that should be the first choice.

    But for completion, I'll add a solution that also works:

    1. Trick maven into creating an empty property (e.g., using the groovy-maven-plugin)

                      <id>set empty property</id>
                    'empty', '');
    2. Use the empty property to make maven interpolate the properties exposed by the docker-maven-plugin
