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Google Plus OAuth PHP 401 (Unauthorized)

I am trying to setup authentication with google plus using their tutorial. I followed the directions verbatim, changing the client id and the client secret in signin.php. For the record, the google plus API is enabled in the google developer console. I update file permissions as instructed as well (chmod +x signin.php and chmod -R 555 vendor/). However, upon loading my authentication URL (which happens to be at the auth_test/ sub directory of my domain, and clicking the sign in button, the console throws a 401 (unauthorized) for the get request sent /activites. I have researched the problem and see that this can be caused by an invalid token, but I dont see how that can be because everything has been setup in singin.php. Much help would be appreciated...


  • You need to reset the state of your app if disconnected to refresh the $tocken.

    Google API office Docs on Handling API Errors

    401: Invalid Credentials

    Invalid authorization header. The access token you're using is either expired or invalid.

    {   "error": {
    >     "errors": [
    >       {
    >         "domain": "global",
    >         "reason": "authError",
    >         "message": "Invalid Credentials",
    >         "locationType": "header",
    >         "location": "Authorization",
    >       }
    >     ],
    >     "code": 401,
    >     "message": "Invalid Credentials"   } }

    Suggested action: Refresh the access token using the long-lived refresh token. If this fails, direct the user through the OAuth flow, as described in Authorizing Your App

    Also its is clearly commented in singin.php at line no. 98 :

        // Normally the state would be a one-time use token, however in our
        // simple case, we want a user to be able to connect and disconnect
        // without reloading the page.  Thus, for demonstration, we don't
        // implement this best practice.
        //$app['session']->set('state', '');

    Thus in your case it appears that your app is disconnected and thus causing the $token to become empty. Hence forcing this code block at line no: 91

    if (empty($token)) {
            // Ensure that this is no request forgery going on, and that the user
            // sending us this connect request is the user that was supposed to.
            if ($request->get('state') != ($app['session']->get('state'))) {
                return new Response('Invalid state parameter', 401);