i'm a beginner with meteor. I' want to get a database collection in meteor for time-series data like at MongoDb Blog. They have explained a Mongo Schema which should work fine for time series data. The Collection should look like this:
timestamp_minute: ISODate(“2013-10-10T23:06:00.000Z”),
num_samples: 58,
total_samples: 108000000,
type: “memory_used”,
values: {
0: 999999,
37: 1000000,
38: 1500000,
59: 1800000
All the fields are easy to get expect the values field.
Two question for this:
Do i have to make a own schema vor the values field? like
sensorValues = new SimpleSchema ({
0: {
type: Number
59: {
type: Number
second: If yes why i can't access values.0 and i have to use a string like values.value0 and have to change the schema like this?.
sensorValues = new SimpleSchema ({
values0: {
type: Number
values59: {
type: Number
Maybe somebod can help me to get the Collection like explained at the meteor blog.
thanks for your help.
greetings Michael
You can define values as an array of numbers.
values: {
type: [Number]