I know that in Android Studio there are some plugins for including a drawable that help in creating a ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, etc image resource.
But suppose I have an app in which some users upload images to a server and then I download the images and display them for other users, how can I adapt them so that they adapt to ldpi, mdpi, hdpi screens? Is there a library that runs on the server or client?
there are two ways , either you do it or let other do it
you can use picasso
(image loading library ) with fit function and just relax .link
find the required size and compress the image size with required parameter.android guide
there are couple of other library like picasso,glide,universal image loader and lot other though picasso and glide are most popular among android developers
Code Reference Links :
Picasso library to download images
Resize image to full width and fixed height with Picasso
Load image from SD card using Glide
Pros of libs :
Cons :