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Python - dig ANY equivalent with scapy module

I want to use the Python module scapy to perform an equivalent command of

dig ANY @ +notcp

I've made a simple example code:

from scapy.all import *

a = sr(IP(dst="")/UDP(sport=RandShort(),dport=53)/DNS(qd=DNSQR(qname="",qtype="ALL",qclass="IN")))

print str(a[0])

And it sends and receives a packet, but when I sniffed the packet the response says Server failure.

Wireshark Screenshot - scapy

Wireshark Screenshot - dig

Sniffing the dig command itself, looks nearly the same but it gives me a correct response and also it does not send another ICMP - Destination unreachable Packet.. this only comes up when sending it with scapy.

If you need more information, feel free to ask. Maybe someone can help me with this..


Maybe the ICMP - Destination unreachable packet were send because tries to send the response to my sport, which is closed? But why should dig then work?!


  • Got the Python code working with scapy..


    In Wireshark we can see now a correct response: Wireshark Screenshot

    But I'm still getting the ICMP - Destination unreachable packet.. and I don't know why..