I want to extend Dictionary
with String
keys (JSON dictionaries) to allow subscripting with any enum
that has a RawValue
type of String
. The end goal would be multiple enums
that can be used to subscript JSON dictionaries.
enum JSONKey: String {
case one, two, three
enum OtherJSONKey: String {
case a, b, c
if let one = jsonDictionary[.one] { /* ... */ }
if let b = jsonDictionary[.b] { /* ... */ }
But I can't figure out how to implement this. I know I need to extend Dictionary
, but can't figure out either the generic extension constraints or method extension constraints.
My first idea was to try to add a generic constraint to the subscript method. I don't think that subscript methods allow generics, though.
extension Dictionary {
subscript<T: RawRepresentable>(key: T) -> Value? { /* ... */ }
Even if putting generic constraints on a subscript worked, I still need a way to nest my generic constraints. Or to constrain the dictionary to keys that are string-based enums. To put it in code that isn't valid, I want to do this:
extension Dictionary where Key: RawRepresentable where RawValue == String {
subscript(key: Key) -> Value { /* ... */ }
// or
extension Dictionary {
subscript<T: RawRepresentable where RawValue == String>(key: T) -> Value { /* ... */ }
Is extending Dictionary
to accept string-based enums as a subscript actually possible?
My other thoughts on how to implement something like this included enum
inheritance and creating a protocol for particular enums
that I want to use as subscripts. I know some of this can't be done, but figured it was worth mentioning the idea. So, again, to put it in code that isn't valid:
enum JSONKey: String {}
enum NumbersJSONKey: JSONKey {
case one, two, three
enum LettersJSONKey: JSONKey {
case a, b, c
// or
protocol JSONKeys {}
enum NumbersJSONKey: JSONKey {
case one, two, three
enum LettersJSONKey: JSONKey {
case a, b, c
// then subscript with
if let one = json[.one] { /* ... */ }
I have played with this some more and gotten a little closer. The extension below compiles, but gives me a "subscript is ambiguous" error if I actually try to use it.
extension Collection where Iterator.Element == (key: String, value: AnyObject) {
// Compiles but can't be used because of ambiguous subscript.
subscript(key: CustomStringConvertible) -> AnyObject? {
guard let i = index(where: { $0.key == key.description }) else { return nil }
return self[i].value
@titaniumdecoy's answer works so it will be the accepted answer unless someone can come up with something better.
As I understand it, you want an extension on any Dictionary with String keys to allow subscripting using an enum with String as its RawValue type. If so, the following should work for you:
enum JSONKey: String {
case one, two, three
class JSONObject { }
extension Dictionary where Key: StringLiteralConvertible {
subscript(jsonKey: JSONKey) -> Value? {
get {
return self[jsonKey.rawValue as! Key]
set {
self[jsonKey.rawValue as! Key] = newValue
var jsonDict: [String: AnyObject] = [:]
jsonDict[JSONKey.one] = JSONObject()
jsonDict["two"] = JSONObject()
If you want to extend this to work for any enum with String as its RawValue type, you need generics. As Swift does not support generic subscripts (see SR-115), get/set methods or a property would be required:
enum AnotherEnum: String {
case anotherCase
extension Dictionary where Key: StringLiteralConvertible {
func getValue<T: RawRepresentable where T.RawValue == String>(forKey key: T) -> Value? {
return self[key.rawValue as! Key]
mutating func setValue<T: RawRepresentable where T.RawValue == String>(value: Value, forKey key: T) {
self[key.rawValue as! Key] = value
jsonDict.setValue(JSONObject(), forKey: AnotherEnum.anotherCase)
print(jsonDict.getValue(forKey: AnotherEnum.anotherCase)!)