In my storyboard there are Navigation Controller, viewContrl1, and viewContrl2. For the next update, I have to make a way to segue viewContrl2 to another instance of viewContrl2.
After getting some helps from stackOverflow, I managed it via:
let newView2 : ViewContrl2 = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("viewContrl2") as! ViewContrl2
view2.presentViewController(newView2, animated: true, completion: nil)
It actually makes exactly what I want but without navigationBar on top. In ViewContrl2 class, there is @IBOutlet weak var navigation: UINavigationItem!, which I directly connected from StoryBoard. However, it seems like the navigation is not working in newly created viewContrl2. I need this because users must be able to press go back and go back to previous view. Anyone have any solution to this problem?
Thank you
To be able to go back, you need to use the existing Navigation controller. Just add a checking just to make sure.
let newView2 : ViewContrl2 = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("viewContrl2") as! ViewContrl2
if let navCtrl = self.navigationController
navCtrl.pushViewController(newView2, animated: true)
let navCtrl = UINavigationController(rootViewController: newView2)
self.presentViewController(navCtrl, animated: true, completion: nil)