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Breaking out of a Protractor .filter() or .map() loop

I'm using Protractor and cucumber framework; how do I break out of a .filter or .map loop? I do not want to continue to iterate further if I found a match!

Page.prototype.getElementByKey = function (key) {
      var foundElement = null;
      return someElement.all(by.css('.someClass')).map(function (rawItem, index) {
        var itemObject = new ItemObjectClass(rawItem);
        return itemObject.getItemKey().then(function (foundItemKey) {
          var matched = String(foundItemKey).trim() === String(key).trim();

         console.log(' Matched: { ' + matched + ' }  index {'+index+'}');
          //if we have a match break out of the .filter function
          if (matched) {
            foundElement = itemObject;
            throw new Error("Just our way of breaking out of .filter() above");
      }).then(function () {
        throw new Error('\n!!!!!Callback should not be called; 
       this means that we could not find an element that matched the passed in key above');
      }, function (error) {
        console.log('\n*******************errorCallback was called; '+error);
        return foundElement;

The above code finds the element but continues to iterate until the end instead of stopping when there's a match and breaking out by calling the errorCallback function.

Given that .map function returns "a promise that resolves to an array of values returned by the map function", I'm taking advantage of the fact that a promise will call its errCallback if the promise cannot be resolved.

By throwing an a fake error, the errorCallback should be called and thereby break out of the .map loop.

Unfortunately, it successfully throws the error but continues with the loop instead of breaking out. I know that because when I

console.log("boolean "+matched+" and index "+index);

I get this:

matched: false index: 0
matched: false index: 1
matched: true index 2 //it should have stopped here since matched = true
matched false index 3 // this should NOT have printed

so breaking out isn't working any ideas?


  • You are returning a single element, so .reduce would be preferable.

    Here is a usage example to return the first link where the text is "mylink":

    var link = element.all(by.css('a')).reduce(function (result, elem, index) {
        if(result) return result;
        return elem.getText().then(function(text){
            if(text === "mylink") return elem;
        if(!result) throw new Error("Element not found");
        return result;