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How to run Orange3 after Installing?

I am trying to install and run Orange3 on my ubuntu 15.10 machine. I followed these instructions and installed Orange3. After the installation, When I run

python3 -m Orange.canvas

This command, It opens up Orange GUI and works perfectly. But when I try to open the Orange in next time It didn't work. It shows

/usr/bin/python3: Error while finding spec for 'Orange.canvas' (: No module named 'scipy')

This error msg. I try to install Orange again and try whether it work. It runs first time, but next time It gives this error message. How can I fix it?


  • The couple of lines in the instructions indicate you created a separate virtual environment for Orange package. I quote:

    # Create a separate Python environment for Orange and its dependencies,
    # and make it the active one
    virtualenv --python=python3 --system-site-packages orange3venv
    source orange3venv/bin/activate

    This means you should now always run

    source orange3venv/bin/activate  # inside where your orange3env dir is

    before running python -m Orange.canvas. See How does virtualenv work?

    Alternatively, you can use the path to Python interpreter inside the virtual environment:

    orange3venv/bin/python -m Orange.canvas

    This should work as well. You can paste it all into a shell script

    /full/path/to/.../orange3venv/bin/python -m Orange.canvas

    mark the script executable

    chmod +x

    and then when you double-click it, it should run Orange GUI for you.