Has anyone experiences with setting up Geany as IDE for commonlisp? I have sbcl installed, this is the output of whereis sbcl
sbcl: /usr/bin/sbcl /usr/lib/sbcl /etc/sbcl.rc /usr/share/man/man1/sbcl.1.gz
However when i run a program with F5 in Geany i get this in the terminal seeming it searches for clisp:
/tmp/geany_run_script_9ZR2LY.sh: 7: /tmp/geany_run_script_9ZR2LY.sh: clisp: not found
More over the indentation is also deactivated when in the lisp mode. Can anyone help?
I am using Ubuntu-studio.
So I installed Geany, typed (print "Hi")
, saved the file and tried to execute it. It worked, but that's because I happen to have CLisp installed.
Under the Build menu, you have a "Set build commands" item which allows you to change the executable. You should type:
sbcl --script "%f"
However, now you can only run a script and you lose all the productive and fun interactive part of working with a dynamic programming environment like Common Lisp. See related questions and answers for getting started with Emacs+slime: