I am trying to get "RowCount" value for Content-Type Field.
But now I am trying almost full day to access additional input-type specific values, but with no luck...
This is my current code with comment where I like to get additional values..
public string GetTablesAndFields(){
var cache = ToSic.Eav.DataSource.GetCache(null, App.AppId) as ToSic.Eav.DataSources.Caches.BaseCache;
var allTypes = cache.GetContentTypes().Select(t => t.Value);
var appTypes = allTypes.Where(t => t.Scope == "2SexyContent").ToList();
var zoneId=(int)ToSic.SexyContent.Internal.ZoneHelpers.GetZoneID(Dnn.Module.PortalID);
var metaDataSource = ToSic.Eav.DataSource.GetMetaDataSource(zoneId, App.AppId);
var code ="";
foreach(ToSic.Eav.Data.ContentType t in appTypes){
code = code + t.Name + " | " + t.Scope + " | fields : " + t.AttributeDefinitions.Count + "<br/>";
foreach(var a in t.AttributeDefinitions){
var f = GetFieldMetadata(metaDataSource, a.Key);
code += "<hr><pre>";
code += "# Name #" + a.Value.Name + "<br/>";
code += "# Name Label #" + f.Title[0] + "<br/>";
code += "# Visible in Edit UI #" + f.Attributes["VisibleInEditUI"][0] + "<br/>";
code += "# Default value #" + f.Attributes["DefaultValue"][0] + "<br/>";
code += "# Required #" + f.Attributes["Required"][0] + "<br/>";
code += "# Disabled #" + f.Attributes["Disabled"][0] + "<br/>";
code += "# Input Type #" + f.Attributes["InputType"][0] + "<br/>";
code += "# Notes #" + f.Attributes["Notes"][0] + "<br/>";
code += "# Validation #" + f.Attributes["ValidationRegExJavaScript"][0] + "<br/>";
code += "</pre><hr>";
// How to access "RowCount" or other InputType specific values?
return code;
If you don't use foreach for AttributeDefinitions you can get all data this way:
ToSic.Eav.WebApi.ContentTypeController eavCtc;
eavCtc = new ToSic.Eav.WebApi.ContentTypeController();
var fields = eavCtc.GetFields(App.AppId, staticName);
You can get staticName from code in question: