I'm trying to write a simple webpage that uses flickr's api. First I use "flickr.places.find" to get a json file. I then get the first object in the json file, and use its "woeid" and "place_id" to try to use the "flickr.photos.search" method to get a json file with the information pertaining to the place's photos. My "flickr.places.find" getJSON call works fine, but the "flickr.photos.search" call doesn't work.
Here is my code (removed username and api_key for the post):
<link href="bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<!--flickr API Script-->
//API key
var api_key = "API_KEY";
//User ID
var user_id = "USER_ID";
/*Given a flikr api method, and any number of arguments in the format of:
argumentName=value, return the url to be called using getJSON. This url will not
call a callback function, and will return a JSON file*/
function makeAPIURL(method /*, ¶meter1=val1, ¶meter2=val2, ...*/) {
var api_url = "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?" + "&method=" + method;
/*Append any arguments=value*/
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
api_url += "&" + arguments[i];
api_url += "&api_key=" + api_key +
"&user_id=" + user_id +
"&format=json" +
return api_url;
function queryflickr() {
var placeToFind = $("#placeToFind").val();
/*Create api url to get the location info from flickr*/
var api_url = makeAPIURL("flickr.places.find", "query=" + placeToFind);
console.log("apiurl:" + api_url);
/*Retrieves the JSON*/
$.getJSON(api_url, function(json) {
/*At this point we have the JSON file with places that are related to the queried string*/
var placeFound = json.places.place[0];
/*Tell the user what was found*/
$("#retStatement").text('Found location "' + placeFound._content + '" which is type ' + placeFound.place_type);
/*Get photos of the place from flickr*/
/*Given the photos.search method, world ID, place ID*/
api_url = makeAPIURL("flickr.photos.search", "woe_id=" + placeFound.woeid, "place_id=" + placeFound.place_id);
console.log("Querying flickr for place's photos using apiurl:" + api_url);
/*Retrieve the JSON*/
$.getJSON(api_url, function(json) {
<input type="text" placeholder="continent, country, region, locality, or neighborhood" class="form-control" id="placeToFind">
<button class="btn btn-danger" id="button" onclick="queryflickr()">Populate!</button>
<p id="retStatement"></p>
For the place, I enter in "Africa" and click the button to execute the flickr api calls. The first url to execute is this (again, removed the API_KEY and USER_ID so it won't work):
First getJSON (flickr.places.find):
My api call:
which returns exactly what the flickr explorer returns:
Second getJSON (flickr.photos.search):
The flickr explorer returns this: https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&api_key=2f396eba26d0c79c40a2e6d2390803b6&woe_id=24865670&place_id=6roy4axTVrJPAFMpHQ&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&auth_token=72157671958290895-57134d5ebb08a350&api_sig=a3925a01ef0e8eff9126f8619efef434
but my url:
returns this:
No error, just an empty array. I used the same two arguments as the explorer as well.
I've been staring at this for a couple of hours but I don't see the issue.
I managed to determine the problem. When the api url is being constructed, I also append my user_id which the flickr.photos.serach function thinks it should use as an argument. This causes the getJSON call to try and get every photo that I'VE taken in Africa, which is a total of 0 causing the array to be empty.