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PRAW Get message author?

I'm trying to build a when I get a message on Reddit to display an alert on my device and tell it the author. Something like this:

enter image description here

I tried searching for Reddit's documentation but I didn't find anything on the matter including the PRAW's docs, Reddit's API docs, and on their Subreddit. I even tried but that didn't work out either. What I want to get is this: enter image description here So far the code looks like this:

import praw
import time
import os
import pync
from pync import Notifier

print "Booting up..."

def Main():
    print "Searching for messages..."
    r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='RedditNotifier version 0.0.1')
    r.login('username', 'pass')
    for msg in r.get_unread(limit=None):
        if not msg:
            print "True"
            Notifier.notify('From:' + 'Author here', title='Reddit: New Message!', open='')
            print msg
while True:

TL;DR How to get message author using PRAW

EDIT: Image only serves to show progress so far Thanks!


  • I don't know how you couldn't find it in the PRAW docs because a quick google search "praw author" gave me this Stack Overflow answer.

    A comment has an author attribute, which is a Redditor object. And to get the name from the Redditor object, use its name attribute.

    EDIT: So what you to do is replace'Author here' with