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Equivalent PowerShell FileSystemRights of clicking the Full Control checkbox and then Unchecking it in the Permission Entry Dialog?

The documentation for System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights enumeration lists NTFS file/folder permission rights that can be applied to an ACE, that will be added to an ACL, with a snippet like the following specifying the rights:

$fileOrFolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"Read, Write"

When instructed to do this manually in the Permission Entry Dialog, my boss told me to check the Full Control checkbox, and then uncheck it.

I want to say that all I need to do to duplicate this is to include all of the members listed in the FileSystemRights documentation less the FullControl one; but I don't think this is the case, since there are special permissions too


  • The easiest way to work this out is probably to replicate the procedure in the gui then use powershell to see what the reported rights are using get-acl. My results are below.

    PS D:\test> (get-acl test.txt).Access
    FileSystemRights  : Modify, Synchronize
    AccessControlType : Allow
    IdentityReference : Everyone
    IsInherited       : False
    InheritanceFlags  : None
    PropagationFlags  : None