I am using following Rexster query :
string gremlinQuery = "g.v(" + companyVertexId + ").transform{[salaryInfo:it.outE('Salary'),designationInfo:it.out('Salary')]}";
To get the salary information and designation information of particular company using it's vertexId
now I moved to Titan 1.0 and using Gremlin server, i'm stuck and don't know how to create similar query in Gremlin server.
Transform is not available in gremlin server. you can use the following query for getting salaryInfo and designationInfo in one call.
string gremlinQuery = "g.V(" + companyVertexId + ").as('company').outE('Salary').as('salaryInfo').select('company').out('Salary').as('designationInfo').select('designationInfo','salaryInfo');";
it will return almost same response.