Considering the following grammar:
expr : expr '+' term | expr '-' term | term
term : term '*' factor | term '/' factor | factor
factor : '(' expr ')' | identifier | number
This is my code using ply:
from ply import lex, yacc
tokens = [
t_ignore = r" \t"
t_identifier = r"^[a-zA-Z]+$"
t_number = r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?"
t_plus = r"\+"
t_minus = r"-"
t_mult = r"\*"
t_div = r"/"
def p_stmt(p):
"""stmt : expr"""
p[0] = ("stmt", p[1])
def p_expr(p):
"""expr : expr plus term
| expr minus term
| term"""
p[0] = ("expr", p[1], p[2]) # Problem here <<<
def p_term(p):
"""term : term mult factor
| term div factor
| factor"""
def p_factor(p):
"""factor : '(' expr ')'
| identifier
| number"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = "32 + 10"
result = yacc.parse(data)
How am I supposed to build an AST with the expression if I can't access the operators? I could separate the functions like p_expr_plus, but in this case, I would eliminate operator precedence. The docs are not so helpful, since I'm a beginner and can't solve this problem. The best material I've found on the subject is this, but it does not consider the complexity of operator precedence.
EDIT: I can't access p2 or p[3], since I get an IndexError (It's matching the term only). In the PDF I've linked, they explicitly put the operator inside the tuple, like: ('+', p1, p2), and thus, evincing my problem considering precedence (I can't separate the functions, the expression is the expression, there should be a way to consider the pipes and access any operator).
As far as I can see, in p[0] = ("expr", p[1], p[2])
, p[1]
would be the left hand expression, p[2]
would be the operator, and p[3]
(that you aren't using) would be the right hand term.
Just use p[2]
to determine the operator, add p[3]
, since you will need it, and you should be good to go.
Also, you must verify how many items p
has, since if the last rule, | term"""
is matched, p
will only have two items instead of four.
Take a look at a snippet from the GardenSnake example:
def p_comparison(p):
"""comparison : comparison PLUS comparison
| comparison MINUS comparison
| comparison MULT comparison
| comparison DIV comparison
| comparison LT comparison
| comparison EQ comparison
| comparison GT comparison
| PLUS comparison
| MINUS comparison
| power"""
if len(p) == 4:
p[0] = binary_ops[p[2]]((p[1], p[3]))
elif len(p) == 3:
p[0] = unary_ops[p[1]](p[2])
p[0] = p[1]