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How to make completion works at first time in PhpStorm 2016.2

I'm using PhpStorm 2016.2 and my code completion does not seem to work properly. When typing $this->assertCo

Too short list

it suggest only function names that are up to third level ancestors of my class. But when I use Ctrl+Space it suggest correct items.

enter image description here

This is my class diagram:

enter image description here

and missing suggestions are in PHPUnit_Framework_Assert class.

How can I make it work without using Ctrl+Space every time?

PhpStorm and OpenJDK info:

PhpStorm 2016.2
Build #PS-162.1121.38, built on July 12, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_76-release-b216 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o


  • Reason for current behaviour: it was asked by users (WI-9403) to hide static methods when completing methods using this->.

    PHPUnit apparently has all assertXXX methods done as static although recommends accessing them via $this-> (same way how it's done in JUnit -- the original tool where PHPUnit devs took inspiration from).

    How can I make it work without using Ctrl+Space every time?

    Right at the moment -- no way.

    But in 2016.2.1 it will work as before for PHPUnit methods/inside PHPUnit test files (WI-32530 -- already implemented).

    You may also consider voting for -- to have such behaviour completely optional (additional setting) even outside of PHPUnit tests.