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Picasso Image Loading in multithread?

I've been looking around to find a way to do Picasso in a separate thread as it is loading it from the internet. I have no idea how to confirm if it is.

My app is basically a ListView with one imageView and two textViews and I have created a CustomAdapter which extends BaseAdapter to assist the List. This is what I have done in my adapter class:

public class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter
public String title[];
public String description[];
public String images[]; //Image URLs
private static Picasso instance;
public Activity context;
public LayoutInflater inflater;

public CustomAdapter(Activity context, String[] title, String[] description, String[] images) {

    this.context = context;
    this.title = title;
    this.description = description;
    this.images = images;

    this.inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);


public int getCount() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return title.length;

public Object getItem(int position) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

public long getItemId(int position) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return 0;

public static Picasso getSharedInstance(Context context)
    if(instance == null)
        instance = new Picasso.Builder(context).executor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()).memoryCache(Cache.NONE).indicatorsEnabled(true).build();
        return instance;
        return instance;

public static class ViewHolder
    ImageView icon;
    TextView itemNameTextView;
    TextView itemDescriptionTextView;


public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    ViewHolder holder;
        holder = new ViewHolder();
        view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item, null);

        holder.icon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;
        holder.itemNameTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
        holder.itemDescriptionTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(;




    return view;


What I wanted to know was:

1) Does the following make Picasso to load the image in a seperate thread? (I read this somewhere and it didn't really make sense to me and I'm hoping you guys would explain it to me.)

    instance = new Picasso.Builder(context).executor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()).memoryCache(Cache.NONE).indicatorsEnabled(true).build();

2) Or does


automatically do it in a new thread?

3) Or does neither of these do it in a new thread and I need to do it seperately? If yes, how so?

Thanks in advance!


  • Picasso downloads images from the Internet in a background thread by default. That's why we use such libraries for image loading.