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SQL Server XML file with multiple nodes named the same

I have this inner XML which I am passing across to a SQL Server stored procedure.

Sample of XML being passed to SQL Server

As you can see, it contains multiple root nodes but additionally, it can also contain 1 to 'n' number of LotResults child nodes.

Is there a way I can manipulate this in the stored procedure so that I can retrieve all LotResults/Result nodes for each root node?

So far I have declared the cursor which can deal with the top-level nodes:

   SELECT tab.col.value('ID[1]','NCHAR(10)') as INT_TransactionID,
          tab.col.value('ResultDateTime[1]','INT') as DAT_ResultDateTime,
          tab.col.value('StandardComment[1]/ID[1]','BIT') as INT_StandardCommentID,
          tab.col.value('ReviewComment[1]/ID[1]','BIT') as INT_ReviewCommentID
     FROM @XML_Results.nodes('/roots/root') AS tab(col)

     OPEN cur
-- loop over nodes within xml document and populate declared variables
     FROM cur

     INTO @INT_TransactionID, 


    -- use my values here


    -- fetch next record
     FROM cur
     INTO @INT_TransactionID, 


    CLOSE cur;

Note: I found a post describing how to extract nodes with the same name and I feel like it is something that can be used to achieve what I want to do here but I need some guidance on how this can be applied to my scenario.


  • No cursors! Cursor are created by the devil to lead poor little db people away from the light of set-based thinking deep into the dark acres of procedural approaches...

    Please (for future questions): Do not paste pictures! Had to type my example in...

    And btw: Your use my values here makes it difficult, to advise the correct thing. Depending on what you are doing there, a cursor might be needed actually. But in this case you should create the cursor from a query like I show you...

    Try it like this:

    DECLARE @xml XML=

    --and here's the query

    SELECT r.value('ID[1]','int') AS root_ID
          ,lr.value('ID[1]','int') AS LotResult_ID
          ,lr.value('(Result/ID)[1]','int') AS LotResult_Result_ID
          ,lr.value('(Result/Count)[1]','int') AS LotResult_Result_Count
          ,r.value('(StandardComment/ID)[1]','int') AS StandardComment_ID 
          ,r.value('(ReviewComment/ID)[1]','int') AS ReviewComment_ID 
    FROM @xml.nodes('/roots/root') AS A(r)
    CROSS APPLY r.nodes('LotResults') AS B(lr)