I use the following pattern to sanitize database names:
var dbProviderFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(connection);
using (var commandBuilder = dbProviderFactory.CreateCommandBuilder())
var fooSafe = commandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier(foo)
but each time I do this R# complains about the commandBuilder
and says
Possible System.NullReference exception.
To get rid of this warning I usually put
Debug.Assert(commandBuilder != null);
after creating the command builder.
I use mostly a SqlConnection
or SQLiteConnection
There is not much about it in the documentation that just says:
Returns a new instance of the provider's class that implements the DbCommandBuilder class.
I'm never sure whether I should check the command builder for null or just ignore the warning?
since the documentation says it will return a "new instance" i wouldn't worry about null check.
Resharper is complaining possibly because it is a virtual method and any custom implementation may return null.