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CarrierWave With Cloudfront Generating wrong URL

Hello I am using Cloudfront with CarrierWave and S3. For some reason in my app I am getting very strange URLs for my cloudfront path when using image_tag and I don't know where I am going wrong. Here is my carrierwave config file

CarrierWave.configure do |config|
config.fog_provider = 'fog/aws'                        # required

config.fog_credentials = {
provider:              'AWS',                        # required
aws_access_key_id:     'accesskey',                        #   required
aws_secret_access_key: 'secretaccess key',                          # required
region:                'us-east-1',                  # optional, defaults to 'us-east-1'

config.fog_directory  = 'bwautosales'                          # required
# config.asset_host = ''
config.asset_host = ''
config.fog_public = true
config.fog_attributes = { 'Cache-Control' => "max-age=#{}" } #  optional, defaults to {}

and my production.rb file I have

 config.action_controller.asset_host = ''

but in my view when I do something like

 <%= link_to image_tag(car.images[0], class: "img-responsive right-block", id: index), car %>

I get this -

src ="

I'm sure this is an easy fix but don't know where I'm going wrong. Any help would be appreciated!

Image Uploader `

class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base

include CarrierWave::MiniMagick

storage :fog

def store_dir

def extension_whitelist
 %w(jpg jpeg gif png)




  • In your Carrierwave initializer change the line,
    config.asset_host = '' to config.asset_host = '' to get the required cloudfront URL you needed.

    You can also remove the line, config.action_controller.asset_host = '' from Production.rb as the carrierwave itself fetches from the cloud-front url.

    CarrierWave.configure do |config|
        config.fog_provider = 'fog/aws'                        
        config.fog_credentials = {
        config.fog_directory  = 'bwautosales'                          
        config.asset_host = '' # please check the change in this line.
        config.fog_public = true
        config.fog_attributes = { 'Cache-Control' => "max-age=#{}" } #  optional, defaults to {}